
Prevention Guide for Petya Ransomware

    While analyzing the ransomware's inner workings, Serper was the first to discover that NotPetya would search for a local file and would exit its encryption routine if that file already existed on disk. The researcher's initial findings have been later confirmed by other security researchers, such as PT Security , TrustedSec , and Emsisoft. This means victims can create that file on their PCs, set it to read-only, and block the NotPetya ransomware from executing. While this does prevent the ransomware from running, this method is more of a vaccination than a kill switch. This is because each computer user must independently create this file, compared to a "switch" that the ransomware developer could turn on to globally prevent all ransomware infections. How to Enable the NotPetya/Petna/Petya Vaccine To vaccinate your computer so that you are unable to get infected with the current strain of NotPetya/Petya/Petna (yeah, this naming is annoying), simply create a file

Virus Removal Tool

Virus Removal Tool Overview Infected with a virus? Unsure whether your existing antivirus software has detected and removed it? Still having problems and unsure where to turn to next? Sophos Virus Removal Tool can help. Using cutting edge technology found in our enterprise-grade software, this powerful tool detects all types of malicious software on your computer—including viruses, spyware, rootkits and Conficker—and returns it to a working state. The tool has direct access to virus data from SophosLabs, our global network of threat researchers, ensuring that even the very latest viruses are detected and removed. And it works alongside your existing antivirus. For full details of how to use the tool, refer to the article Sophos Virus Removal Tool Here’s how Download the tool, run the program and put the Virus Removal Tool on your desktop. Double click Sophos Virus Removal Tool and then click the Start scanning button The tool scans your computer and removes any viruses it finds You’re

What is Internet of Things?

What is Internet of Things? You've likely heard the phrase "Internet of Things" — or IoT — at some point, but you might also be scratching your head figuring out what it is or what it means. The IoT refers to the connection of devices (other than typical fare such as computers and smartphones) to the Internet. Cars, kitchen appliances, and even heart monitors can all be connected through the IoT. And as the Internet of Things grows in the next few years, more devices will join that list. We've compiled a beginner's guide to the IoT to help you navigate the increasingly connected world. Terms and Basic Definitions Below, we've provided a glossary defining the Internet of Things: Internet of Things: A network of internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors. Internet of Things device: Any stand-alone internet-connected device that can be monitored and/or controlled from a remote location. Internet of Things ecosystem: All t

How to setup CFS policies with LDAP and SSO to restrict internet access

How to setup CFS policies with LDAP and SSO to restrict internet access (SW7782) Was this article helpful? Title How to setup CFS policies with LDAP and SSO to restrict internet access Description Using Multiple Custom content Filter policies with LDAP and SSO to restrict Internet access (CFS + LDAP + SSO) Resolution This article explains about how to integrate Premium Content Filtering Service with LDAP (With Single Sign On). Restricted user group on the active directory is imported to SonicWALL and give restricted web access to those users in that group. Wherein the Full Access User group has full access or partial access to websites Click To See Full Image. Deployment Steps  To integrate Premium Content Filtering Service with LDAP, follow these steps: Step 1: Configuring Content Filter and Policies Step 2: Configuring LDAP on SonicWALL Step 3: Importing Groups from LDAP to SonicWALL unit Step 4: Configuring SSO on SonicWALL Step 5: Configuring Single Sign on Agent on Workstation Ste

Setup Email In IPhone

Set up an email account on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch There are two ways you can set up an email account on your iOS device using Mail—automatically and manually. Learn which option is best for you. If you use an email provider like iCloud, Google, or Yahoo, Mail can automatically set up your email account with just your email address and password. Mail might be able to set up other email accounts with your email address and password, but you might need to enter your email settings manually. If you don't know your email settings,  look them up  or  contact your email provider . Choose your account Go to Settings > Mail > Accounts > Add Account. If you see your email provider, tap it to add your account automatically . If you don't see your email provider, tap Other to add your account manually . Set up an account automatically After you choose your email provider, follow these steps: Enter your email address and password. Tap Next and wait for Mail to verify your

Manage your Bandwidth - PFSENSE

Manage your Bandwidth PFSense is by far one of the best gateway solutions out there in my opinion.  I am going to show you one of the many reasons why I think this product is best of breed and that is the Bandwidth limiter. PFSense uses Free BSD as it base, it has included the  DummyNet  software project which allows you to simulate/enforce queues and bandwidth limitations, delays, packet losses, and multipath effects, it also implements a variant of Weighted Fair Queuing called WF2Q+. Now that may sound like a lot of reading to get up to speed with but I assure you it is quite easy to set up and maintain, let me show you how. First off I will take a bandwidth test to see what I get as unregulated bandwidth. I have a cable service from Brighthouse that is 50Mb download and 5 Mb upload. The image tells the tale, I am getting 50/5 as and result of my speed test using Brighthouse’s Speed test. Now let’s get started with our limiting, we will need to create a Upload and a Down