How to install - Snipe-IT, Free IT Asset manager software

 Snipe-IT, IT Free Asset manager Software.

Snipe-IT was made for IT asset management, to enable IT departments to track who has which laptop, when it was purchased, which software licenses and accessories.

1) Wamp Webserver - Download Link
2) composer  - Download Link

Step 1. 

Install Composer

Installing composer

2) Install Wamp 


create database snipeit;
show databases;



Create user snipe_user;
grant all on snipeit.* to 'snipe_user'@'localhost' identified by 'password123';


Extract and configure Snipe-IT and run composer
Download and exact Snipe-IT to c:\wamp\www\snipe-it.

Edit .env.example

See the Configuration options for more information on how to configure your Snipe-IT installation.
Save your edited env.example as .env

Open command prompt then change directory to c:\wamp\www\snipe-it\. Then run:

composer install --no-dev --prefer-source

php artisan key:generate


Then browse to the address you set up in httpd.conf, and you should see the Pre-Flight & Setup screen. Follow the on-screen instructions, and you're all set


Ramya Balan said…
I hope that it doesn't sadden me as much as this one. I’m talking about, I know it was my selection to read, but I actually thought you'd have something interesting to say.
Asset Management Software
Asset Management Software Abu Dhabi
Asset Tracking Software
IT Asset Management Software
Fixed Asset Management Software
Markus said…
Thanks for your post which is great for someone like me that has no idear how to setup snipe-it.
Unfortunately I have no clou how to access the webinterface from snip-it. You did mentioned to go to the IP which you have set in httpd.conf file. Sorry to say but I have no idear what to set to be able to have the webinterface available.
Webbrowser with localhost access does show me the WAMP server page.
You support is much appreciated.
Regards Markus
Anonymous said…
These Steps are unclear, incomplete and Vague. Last steps mentions .conf settings that was not discussed in the steps.

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